
本公司專門從事立體書及英文兒童圖書出版、代理及直接銷售,產品對象以 0 至 8 歲兒童為主,所有產品均與歐美市場同步銷售,也是現時歐美市場的暢銷產品。我們致力提供最好的服務及最優惠的價格回饋我們的顧客。

Nano Publishing
Our company is specially engaged in pop-up books and English Children Books publication, agency and direct sale.  All products object by 0 to 8 years-old child primarily. All products with European and American market synchronization sale, also is the present European and American market best-selling products.  We aspire to lead in the Children Educational Materials to our customers with excellent services and competitive pricing.